The Agreement
A search-and-rescue mission turns into a fight for survival. The European Huntsmen's Network is expanding and it will take every member to help save a small Scottish town where Jack's lifelong nemesis, an over three-hundred-year-old vampire, has a surprise waiting. Toby, Rachel, Natalie, and Jack struggle to meet the challenge that awaits when they come to truly appreciate the horrific agreement the wicked vampire has forged with the town's residents.
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Everyone's engaged in battle by the final act, with a gripping dilemma to close the book: Toby does something drastic that makes him not much better than the fiends he's been staking.
You'll race to the surprising ending, encountering treachery, triumphs, and tragedy along the way. But, through it all, it will be the unceasing ability of the four hunters to rely on each other for their very lives that you'll remember most.